Integrating knowledge& innovating in theaerospace sector.

Space Missions
Aiming to develop skills for the planning, analysis, and design of space missions, in addition to ensuring access to space for its team and partners, the LODESTAR Space Mission division is responsible for the research and technological development in the field of space mission management, analysis and design of small satellites, systems engineering, agile methodologies, global navigation satellite systems, space weather, control, telecommunications, cyber space security, operation, command and control, as well as hardware and firmware development for space applications.
We kindly invite you to take a moment of your time and check our recent activities and achievements!
Small SAT Simulator
It is well known that one critical step in a space project life cycle is to demonstrate the qualification of design and performance to meet the requirements at the specified levels.
In this context, the LODESTAR Small Sat Simulator division was created with the aim of providing infrastructure and methods for validation testing to measure product performance and functions under a representative environment. It is focused on safety-critical and mission-critical features in system, subsystem, and equipment levels.
The main application currently under development is dedicated to attitude determination and control of small satellites, take a moment to check it, and welcome to be part of it!
High-altitude balooning
Being aware of the importance and fundamental role of using scientific balloons floating in the stratosphere for space science research and technological development, the LODESTAR High-Altitude Ballooning division has been developing a modular platform for high altitudes applications.
The platform is carried to high altitudes using a free-flying, low-cost rubber balloon enabling wide range observations. In its current version, the platform is manufactured in accordance with the CubeSat standard using rapid proto-type technologies and exploiting current technological advances such as miniaturization of electronic components and devices.
For the LODESTAR team it represents a low-cost tool for conducting validation tests, educational activities, and experiments in a near-Earth environment. Come and check what is going on at the LODESTAR High-Altitude Ballooning division!