Expanding Our Perception Everywhere
When it comes to monitoring strategic assets that include our natural resources, the challenge goes beyond just tracking them to also perceive them. By perceiving them we mean understanding, learning and growing from their random and uncertain nature. It means empowering ourselves to deal with the unknown, understanding the impact of our actions and preparing ourselves to make decisions in complex scenarios. To achieve a high level of perception on a scale never seen before to monitor our strategic assets, we need to combine sensor networks, space technologies and data science. We need a team of experts, critical sense, and solid partnerships. This is the vision of the Perception project.

The word perception comes from the Latin word percepio, meaning receiving, collecting, become aware through the mind or senses. The project logo represents a door to infinity and captures the idea of the proposed system being the frontier to the unknown, the door to be opened to expand our vision and sense of our environment and reality. This is the meaning of the name, a poetic idea proposed and discussed over the centuries by philosophers, musicians and many others who chose to deeply feel the world in which we live.
One of the main motivations for carrying out the Perception project is to continue the ongoing activities of the AlfaCrux mission, promoting technological and scientific development in the context of satellite data collection systems. Furthermore, it aims to continue training human resources with high added value at undergraduate and postgraduate levels with the exchange of researchers, strengthening national and international cooperation with research institutions and companies in the productive sector.
The scope of the project is divided into two workstreams: 1) Modeling and simulation of a new satellite data collection system, including the assembly of platforms for logical and functional analysis of different subsystems, simulation of the space environment, assembly, analysis, and management of user terminals, both fixed for environmental data collection applications and mobile for tracking unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in environmental monitoring applications and 2) Reliability research and analysis in satellite data production for environmental monitoring applications; development of new solutions for managing and processing data obtained via satellite; and also designing digital models for health monitoring and data control from space missions.
In this context, we kindly invite you to take a moment of your time and check our recent activities and achievements!